Get Vehicle History You Can Trust
Avoid costly problems and drive away with confidence by using the report millions trust.
In Just $41.99 (USD)
Receive Your Vehicle History Report Today
The most comprehensive Vehicle History Report in USA & Canada
Our report can provide you with critical details about a vehicle’s history and help you make a more informed decision.

Title Information

NMVTIS title data includes current state of title and date of issue, previous titles reported by jurisdictions, and odometer readings recorded when the titles were issued.

Brand History

NMVTIS title data includes title brands (labels such as “Junk” or “Flood”) applied by states that can affect the value of a vehicle.

Total Loss Data

When a vehicle is reported as a total loss by an insurance company, generally the vehicle has suffered severe damage.

Salvage Records

A vehicle with an NMVTIS salvage history has been handled by a salvage auction, auto parts recycler, rebuilder or other salvage-related business.

Title Problem Check

Search for title brands indicating potential issues such as altered odometer or flood damage.

Past Sale Listings

Examine a car’s sales history for insights into its previous sale dates and prices.

Open Lien Check

Confirm the car’s status by ensuring there are no unresolved liens attached to it.

Title History Check

Check VIN for a chronological history of registrations and US states.

Active Theft Check

Safeguard against legal issues by ensuring the vehicle hasn’t been reported stolen.

Salvage Rebuild Check

Verify records from junk yards or salvage auctions for possible rebuilding and resale.

Years Experience
Active Partners
Reports Sold
Historical Records

Free Market Value Check

Determine the estimated current market value of a specific vehicle

Free Ownership Cost Check

Estimate the cost of ownership for any popular vehicle over the next 5 years

Vehicle Data Products

Automotive businesses can integrate our versatile vehicle data solutions

98% positive feedback

EpicVIN through the eyes of our customers: diverse perspectives
and genuine testimonials demonstrating the value of our services.

"ExpertVinReport was instrumental in helping me buy the ideal vehicle. Their detailed history creates a layer of transparency and trust among the buyer and the seller."

James Peter

"I entered the VIN number of the car I wanted to purchase on ExpertVinReport and it gave me a detailed report of the car that had all the important information and notified me about the real condition of the vehicle."

John Schumen

"ExpertVinReport is no less than a blessing for used-vehicle buyers/sellers. They provided a detailed report of the vehicle I wanted for my son. It cleared all my doubts and concerns about the car. Waiting to surprise my son on his 16th birthday with his first-ever car."

Stefy Grafi

Google Rating



98% positive feedback

EpicVIN through the eyes of our customers: diverse perspectives
and genuine testimonials demonstrating the value of our services.

"ExpertVinReport was instrumental in helping me buy the ideal vehicle. Their detailed history creates a layer of transparency and trust among the buyer and the seller."

James Peter

"I entered the VIN number of the car I wanted to purchase on ExpertVinReport and it gave me a detailed report of the car that had all the important information and notified me about the real condition of the vehicle."

John Schumen

"ExpertVinReport is no less than a blessing for used-vehicle buyers/sellers. They provided a detailed report of the vehicle I wanted for my son. It cleared all my doubts and concerns about the car. Waiting to surprise my son on his 16th birthday with his first-ever car."

Stefy Grafi

Millions of customers like you receive complete and accurate car history records from ExpertVinReport. We assist customers in obtaining complete and accurate information about pre-owned cars so they may feel secure about a future purchase. We include the following details in our reports: odometer readings, damages, information on past owners, accidents, title details, recalls, pictures, warranty coverage, insurance history, and more. For Our Services to check Prices and packages

ExpertVinReport reports are accessible to anyone curious about the history of a used vehicle.
For Buyer/Sellers: Use the ExpertVinReport report if you’re planning to purchase a used car and want to learn more about its history or hidden problems.
For seller: ExpertVinReport reports are also essential for people who want to sell their car to a private buyer/seller and require to establish their car’s value.
Buyers/Seller typically feel more confident when they are knowledgeable about a vehicle’s history.

ExpertVinReport has a tremendous quantity of data, including information on more than 350 million VINs. It includes the great majority of used cars in the US and Canada. ExpertVinReport provides history reports on vehicles and light trucks made after 1981. ExpertVinReport significantly reduces your chances of purchasing vehicles with unknown or hidden defects.

Vehicle Identification Numbers, usually known as “VIN” numbers, are distinct 17-character numbers used to identify vehicles. The 17 digits that make up the vehicle identification number (VIN) provide specific information, such as the make, year, model, and country of origin. You can easily see your vehicle history record at ExpertVinReport by entering your VIN number. Verify the VIN.

  • On the Dashboard (frequently readable through the windscreen)
  • In the door
  • On the engine’s firewall
  • Inside the engine

You can find out the VIN if you are the car’s owner by looking at the title, registration card, or insurance records.

Try contacting the vehicle’s seller if you cannot obtain the VIN. The seller can see the VIN in the paperwork, on the vehicle, and in its records. As a buyer/seller, you can frequently find the VIN in the following places:

  • The driver side door, near the door latch
  • The lower-left area of the dashboard
  • The front of the steering wheel.